- The Blog

Thursday, November 30, 2006

And I'm Spent

It's Thursday which means "Your Parents Hate You" is up over at Faster Than The World as far as this place goes everything has been moved to

Update your links, blogrolls, stalking lists, and names of people you want to see clubbed by a howler monkey.

I knew it would happen. Originally I was thinking that I would simply double post here and at because the wordpress publishing software that I use has this fabulous importing plug-in that will scour your blogger account and cross-post for you with little to no effort. This made it pretty simple to type something up here at Blogger and the tell Wordpress to, "Go forth and get blogs and comments." And it did, flawlessly.

But never to be satisfied with something that simply works; the folks over at google had to find a way to integrate blogger with gmail, google, google groups, google docs, and any of other form of functionality to which the word google can be a preamble for. Due to this switch to blogger beta I can no longer import from here to there. As such, I'm done. Certainly it wouldn't be the most time consuming endeavor to copy/paste/publish at each blog but I really lack the desire to do that over and over.

I wish I had never switched to the beta system.

Of course I was thinking about just moving everything over to be headed under my site and I guess I can use this as my excuse. This also could just be a testament to my laziness. Either way switch all of the pertinent info to .

and to the guy at google who thought this was a good idea: